Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)

The First Epistle of Saint Pavl to the Thessalonians

HOVV S. Paul vvith Silas (or Siluanus) and Timothee according to a vision calling him out of Asia into Macedonia, came to Philippi being the first citie thereof, vve reade Act. 16. And hovv againe from Philippi, after scourging and imprisoning there, he came to Thessalonica being the head citie of that countrie, vve reade Act. 17. vvhere after 3 vveekes preaching, the Ievves stirred the citie against them, and pursued them also to Beraea: so that Paul. vvas conucied from thence to Athens, vvhere he expected the cōming of Silas & Timothee from the foresaid Beraea in Macedonia, but receiued them (as vve haue Act. 18.) at Corinth in Achaia. Hauing therefore left the Thessalonians in such persecution, and being careful to knovv hovv they did in it, he vvas desirous to returne vnto them, as he signifieth in the 2 chapter of this Epistle v. 17. But (as he there addeth) Satan hindered vs. therefore tarying himself at Athens, he sendeth Timothee vnto them, at vvhose returne vnderstanding their constancie, he is much comforted, as he declareth c. 3. So then they are all three together at the vvriting of this Epistle, as also vve haue in the title of it: Paul and Siluanus and Timothee to the Church of the Thessalonians. And therefore it seemeth to haue bene vvritten at Corinth, not at Athens: because after the sending of Timothee to Thessadonica, they mette not at Athens againe, but at Corinth. The first three chapters of it are, to confirme and comfort them against the tentations of those persecutions. The other tvvo are of exhortation, to liue according to his preceptes, namely in sanctification of their bodies, and not in fornication: to loue one an other: to comfort one an other about their frendes departed, vvith the doctrine of the Resurrection, and vvith continuall preparation to die: the laietie to obey, and the Cleargie to be diligent in euery point of their office.